Monday, 29 October 2007

Official Academy Opening - Friday 19th October

Our students gave guided tours to the guests from Oasis Community Learning

Steve Chalke gave an address in assembly

Daniel Bedingfield gave a memorable performance

We released balloons to commemorate the occasion

The cake was cut ..... and we all took some home.

This hand-worked wonderful tapestry was presented to us by Jonathan Dutton on his return from the Bambejja Project in Uganda - another Oasis project.

"Would the man in the glasses please move over ...."

Prospective Parents Evening - Wednesday 10th October

School is looking at its best as local parents are allowed to tour the building

Mr Walton speaks to some of the 600 parents who attended this evening

Many students gave up their time to provide parents with descriptions of their learning and to talk about their first 6 weeks at the Academy

Trip In - "Big School" 8th October

Winner of the competition to design a balloon hat that portrays the student perspective of "success."

The active learning techniques were engaging and much appreciated by students

The"Young Enterprise" organisation took the event, aimed at integrating students with each other and the various adult professionals who work at the school.

An enjoyable session for all students, the programme has already been booked for 2008 in early September

Tuesday, 9 October 2007

3Es - Extend, Enrich, Embed

Wednesday 3rd October saw our students undertake the first of our 3Es afternoons. This is when we take the concept of "extra-curricular activities" and apply it to an afternoon of activity focused on fun, learning and achievement.

Board Games for those that like strategy, risk and double bluff ...

Our drama workshop proved very popular

Trampoling and multisports in the gym

Thomas enjoyed being assistant site agent for the afternoon

The craft and jewellery group proved to be very creative

Vegetable soup was on the menu for the cooking club

Oasis Community Digging

On 26th September we had our first "trip out" to Lea Valley Park . Focused around our central competencies of "resilience", "reasoning" and "reflection," the students undertook an orienteering exercise and a conservation task.

Here the students receive instruction on how to dig trenches to improve wild bird habitats.

Our group were really pleased to find the orienteering post after a good deal of frenzied mapwork.