Friday, 29 June 2007

Information for New Starters, Monday 2nd July

For Monday starters, we need to let you know that we provide tea, coffee and milk here at Keys Meadow, but a small, partially-working fridge means that we can only store ready-made lunch items – not individual ingredients.

For parking, we suggest that you make use of the dedicated area in the centre of Innova Park and walk the short distance over – past the new buildings.

Our July “Academy Day” starts at 8.30am and finishes at 4.30pm.

Dress code is how you would normally be attired for the school day in September.

Please note that all staff will be engaged in a team development day at Lea Valley Park on Wednesday 11th July. Part of this day will involve us doing conservation work around the riverbanks and we are advised by the park rangers that you should check that your tetanus inoculations are up-to-date.

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